Manufacturer, Distributor or Service Provider – A Practical Perspective for Arm’s Length Price Considerations for all

Home Publications Publications ISCA Breakfast Talk - A Practical Perspective for Arm’s Length Price Considerations for all

ISCA Breakfast Talk - A Practical Perspective for Arm’s Length Price Considerations for all



The downloadable slides offer a comprehensive exploration of transfer pricing (TP) within the contexts of manufacturers, distributors, and service providers. Delving into the intricacies of each business model, the presentation sheds light on the typical arm's length price (ALP) issues and challenges faced by entities operating in these sectors

  • Manufacturer, Distributor and Service Provider – Transfer
    Pricing (TP) context
  • Manufacturers - Different business models and typical Arm’s Length Price (ALP) issues/challenges
  • Distributors - Different business models and typical ALP
  • Service Providers - Different business models and typical ALP issues/challenges
  • Key judicial rulings


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