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Worldwide Tax Guide


A country's tax regime is always a key factor for any business considering moving into new markets. What is the corporate tax rate? Are there any incentives for overseas businesses? Are there double tax treaties in place? How will foreign source income be taxed?

Since 1994, the PKF network of independent member firms, administered by PKF International Limited, has produced the PKF Worldwide Tax Guide (WWTG) to provide international businesses with the answers to these key tax questions.

As you will appreciate, the production of the WWTG is a huge team effort and we would like to thank all tax experts within PKF member firms who gave up their time to contribute the vital information on their country's taxes that forms the heart of this publication.

The PKF Worldwide Tax Guide 2020/21 (WWTG) is an annual publication that provides an overview of the taxation and business regulation regimes of the world's most significant trading countries.

On a country-by-country basis, each summary addresses the major taxes applicable to business; how taxable income is determined; sundry other related taxation and business issues; and the country's personal tax regime. The final section of each country summary sets out the Double Tax Treaty and Non-Treaty rates of tax withholding relating to the payment of dividends, interest, royalties and other related payments.

While the WWTG should not to be regarded as offering a complete explanation of the taxation issues in each country, we hope readers will use the publication as their first point of reference and then use the services of their local PKF member firm to provide specific information and advice.

Services provided by member firms include:

  • Assurance & Advisory;
  • Tax Advisory & Compliance;
  • Financial Planning / Wealth Management;
  • Corporate Finance;
  • Management Consultancy;
  • IT Consultancy;
  • Insolvency - Corporate and Personal;
  • Forensic Accounting; and,
  • Hotel Consultancy.
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